Monday, 21 February 2011

Breaking the Mould

Journal entry: Wednesday 26th Jan 2011

Breaking out of the mould,
My mind is un-folding.
Thoughts flying everywhere,
My world is being turned inside out and upside down.

Breaking out of the mould,
And my whole world has changed.
New ideas, old ones refreshed,
Others fade away or burn to ash.

Breaking out of the mould,
Changing things to make new.
Transforming them from the ash,
Nurturing the new growth.

I am breaking out of my mould,
 I will transform things.
Making a new world of mine,
A world full of life and beauty.

This Is one of a few entries which have helped me with the title and the ideas and design for my end of year show. The idea is something along the lines of 'In side my mind' by creating world that visually express events from the journal I have been keeping. These will be viewed through 'peep hole' styled windows, was insired by Alice in wonderland.