Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Never give up on a Wish

Last week I finally got in touch with a friend who had said they wanted to talk to me about my artwork... when this first came up I got a little nervous, unsure of if it was good or bad. 
What they said and suggested, however, was far more encouraging than I had thought. They really liked my work and could see it being something people would buy... -shocked and made speechless-  

This was the first time that I really took someone seriously. In the last few months I have started writing stories to go with paintings and designing images to go with stories. I had been thinking of putting them together into a childrens book (the stories are short children's stories) or even painting a series of pictures to make into cards to sell. 

He is also a practitioner of Falun Gong and thought that I could spread a message... something about Truthfulness Compassion and Tolerance, virtues and principles that everyone, no matter faith, culture or background, could share.  

Afterwards and over the next few days, I've ponders upon this idea and how to go about doing things. When I first started to draw and get into art properly, I had one wish, to show people a beautiful world. I really wanted to make artwork that touched people and shows them how beautiful the world is. 
That wish has now returned, the biggest different between then and now... I now have the skills and finance to see this wish come true. 

Don't ever give up on a wish if it is one that comes from the heart, and is of pure intention.

Hand it over to the universe and see what happens. I'm still in the idea stages of how to take this forwards, but having people who want to help me, and having that heart to try... they are true gifts.